Advocates Anastasia Pavluchenko, Oksana Kotel and Alexander Goretsky were speakers at the online course for lawyers


The training course “Protecting the interests of the company in court: strategy and tactics”, developed and organized by the editorial office of the portal for lawyers, took place from 15 to 25 August.

Our colleagues, MRBA advocates Anastasia Pavluchenko, Oksana Kotel and Alexander Goretsky, were speakers at the online sessions of the course.

Anastasia Pavluchenko devoted her presentation to general issues of preparing for a court case and gave practical recommendations on determining tactics and strategy in the upcoming hearing and the trial as a whole, as well as discussed with her colleagues the assessment of the prospects of the trial.

Oksana Kotel together with Oleg Volodin shared with colleagues their experience of defending clients’ interests in Russian arbitrazh courts, spoke about the peculiarities that residents of the Republic of Belarus may encounter, and also gave practical advice on working with arbitration institutions and recommendations on choosing a dispute resolution method when concluding agreements and drafting arbitration clauses.

Advocate Alexander Goretsky, who is also a recommended arbitrator of the IAC at the BelCCI, devoted an online session to the practice of dispute resolution in this arbitration institution. Alexander told the colleagues about the competence of the IAC at the BelCCI, requirements to the statement of claim, registration and arbitration fees, the procedure for considering the disputes and appealing against decisions, enforcement of IAC decisions, including abroad. In addition, Alexander shared the practice of the IAC at the BelCCI.

At the end of the course, along with other offline events, there was a workshop on the Code of Civil Procedure, where Oksana Kotel and Alexander Goretsky and their colleagues Timur Sysuev and Sergey Khmylko discussed the changes that are planned after the merger of the Economic Procedural Code and Civil Procedural Code.

Colleagues exchanged views on the innovations of civil litigation, on the prospects and effectiveness of the new regulation.

It is a pleasure to work and share experiences with talented lawyers and advocates.

All advocates of GIP | Goretsky & Partners carry out their activities as part of Minsk Regional Specialized Legal Advice Office “Civil and Investment Law. Dispute Resolution” included into the Minsk Regional Bar Association.

All advocates of GIP | Goretsky & Partners carry out their activities as part of Minsk Regional Specialized Legal Advice Office “Civil and Investment Law. Dispute Resolution” included into the Minsk Regional Bar Association.

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